I have been lagging behind with my blog posts and sharing, but that’s ok. It is actually very ok, because I owe nothing to no one so haha! (also know that I just wrote that to make myself not feel guilty so shush!)
Having said that, this is me writing, after reinventing myself and relearning from what all I have encountered in the past 2 months. I got caught up with the whole being busy business. I went from working out, to one event, to one catch up, to hosting to another event to another catch up and the viscous cycle continued.
Apart from that, work has and is a priority and that has been keeping me super busy. Given that I work fulltime that is where my priority lies and that is why Whereeva had to hit a pause button for a bit.
I have written drafts of things I have been wanting to post but then at the same time I was just enjoying being in the moment, meeting new people and only updating my social media handles. I know I know, I should publish it all and I will, now that I am back in my element.
Thank you, if you have been constantly on my back to ask me what is next or asked me what part of my journey will I share next, because you have reminded me of why I started this blog in the first place. Now that I have my mind back in its place, I am excited to say that I will be sharing more and more things while being Whereeva!
Before I sign off, please ensure that you take necessary precautions and prepare for this cyclone season. Stay safe and take care x