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Nobody wants this!

Given that I quite openly share on my blog about my dating life and the highs and lows I have been a part of or the cause of (LOL), I thought it would be a miss for me to not write about my thoughts on the new Netflix series Nobody Wants This starring Kristen Bell and Adam Brody.

For me this show was relatable in so so so many ways! I was soooo happy that it wasn’t about boy meets girl on dating apps but rather the good old-fashioned way and exactly how people my age would like to meet people! And if you have followed my previous blogs on this would know my opinion about dating apps (cue thumbs down emoji!).

I will try not to give spoilers but it was really nice to watch something like this because it kept drawing back to the fact that you need to be self-aware of who you are as an individual and how you project that when you are in a relationship while understanding the other person, communicating openly and being present through it all, despite the differences in culture, religion and status. (Adam Brody is a hot Rabi in this series btw!)

Shane and I were talking about it at lunch today and how it portrayed grown up, emotionally available and mature relationships. It went on to keep showing how communication is EVERYTHING, unfortunately we live in a time where if you do communicate how you feel or what you want, you may come off as too much, weird or as a psycho!

My dating life has been interesting, at one point in my life I was dating a guy who played all the moves to get me, said he was no longer on dating apps while still being on dating apps, and used social and mental health issues to end things only to end up in another relationship immediately after.  Don’t get me wrong, I am happy that this happened because imagine being STUCK with someone who is not true to themselves as a person right?  What I am getting at is, had he communicated correctly from the start, we both would have been spared from investing time, energy and effort into this and he could have found his person way much earlier.

Interestingly, and again purely from my experiences, I find the men I have dated lack communication skills or what I think now is, are just emotionally unavailable, unsure of themselves and maybe shouldn’t be getting into relationships.

The other thing that I loved about this series was how real it was with portraying the different nuances of relationships. For instance, the hot Rabi broke off his engagement because he realized he was in it for the sake of it and that a lot of people around him were in relationships just because.

Which brings me to my usual list of questions and mind you some are what the series raises as well:

  1. How do you know when is the right or wrong time or how soon it is to get into a relationship? (Ref: Hot Rabi)

  2. When do we label the relationship and why does it have to be conformed to what society thinks? (Ref: this series)

  3. Why can’t people just be honest from the start? (Ref, all of us right!)

  4. Can men get back into being leaders in a relationship- maybe look up what it means to lead?! (Ref: Angry women everywhere duh!)

  5. When will people stop pretending that its love and just say it’s about sex? (ref: people not looking for love?)

  6. I keep getting comments that I am a fun girl which always raises alarms because then it starts sounding like, you’re a good time pass till they find their person. Ok cringing as I write that but it’s true!

  7. I need to work on learning how to say no and to put a stop to things rather than allowing it to continue well knowing it will end eventually. Sigh. I keep learning the hard way I know! (ref: dumb ass me)

  8. If a person wants to, they will. (ref: grown ass and mature people)

  9. If it doesn’t give you peace and stresses you out, that ain’t a relationship, just end it already guys! (ref: some of you!)

  10. I love love and as cheesy as I might come off, I know that what is meant for me will be meant for me. I am content, but till then reminding myself to embrace is all!


I slept at almost 1am last night because I have no self-control when it comes to TV series or food! Anyway, if you have any tips for me, or experiences to share, do tell! We live and we learn, and life goes on.

Also if you were expecting me to write more openly and share more scandalous revelations from my dating life, sorry to disappoint but stay tuned for the next! Ciao!





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