I took time these past weeks to re-evaluate, reassess and reset portions of my life before I commence my usual madness and so hello and here we go!
So, what’s new? Well, nothing majorly new. I am back on track with my balance of a healthy-ish lifestyle approach. The last 3 months in 2021 kicked my butt with carbs, sugar and pizza so time to burn it out! I love my body the way it is even with the current excess that I have (although I whine about it to my close friends but still). My goal is to feel healthy and fit regardless of my weight. This year I hope we are all kinder to each and stop body shaming, our bodies are beautiful whatever the shape, size, and colour.
Relationships and dating, a hot topic of discussion when I published my own personal experiences! So now you must be wondering how I am doing in this area almost a year later… well what can I say (yikes!). I guess when the time is right its right aye? Anyway, I have an almost finished piece on relationships and dating with no filter and will share that soon!
Last year saw me become an addict to online shopping! I blame the pandemic! Shein and Amazon take my money! Ok, but seriously, how badly good is this! (Impulse) Shopping is one area that I want to improve in. I had a conversation with an IG friend, and she was reminding me about thrift shopping and its importance for our carbon footprint. I just need to have the patience to go out and thrift. Here’s to holding myself accountable in this area because it is about time!
More challenges in 2022! Conquering Duavata Namosi Challenge and then running a marathon has really pushed me outside my comfort zone. It has made me realize that I can push myself to go above and beyond. Like I always say, it helps having amazing friends that are into a holistic lifestyle while at the same time are able to binge and feast from time to time. Surrounding yourself with the right people is very important and I am glad to have done just that. I am excited and looking forward to more mad challenges.
I know it’s almost February already but you can really begin to get yourself together (or not) whenever you like. If you wanted to start something, do something, say something, be something, just go for it. Its 2022, so let’s go!
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