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Duavata Adventure Race Series

Just know that it was good peer pressure that possessed me to sign up for this first race series and I am glad that I did! I am grateful to the amazing adventure loving friends that I have and what better use of time and money, then to invest that into wellness and health and a holistic experience.

People that know me well enough, know that I love comfort and that camping is quite not my style, so naturally, everyone had a good laugh even me. I stopped laughing when the race began!

The Duavata Adventure Race Series was a 2-night affair starting on Friday where we set up camp at Rivers Fiji. The race began the next day at 6am with a 1km run followed by 33km river rafting and then hiking 10km through the Serua/Namosi Dense Forest to get to Namosi Eco Retreat where we stayed Saturday night. And that is why I stopped laughing because it was physically challenging and quite intense.

Our group split into 2 teams and thanks to Patrick we were training together when we could. We also planned out our camping, food, and other logistics together. Of course, it helps having really organised friends to make it happen.

This race pushed me outside of my comfort zone. There was a point where I wanted to quit but then remembered those famous words “If you tired, don’t tired!” but also, I had Anabel and Derek say along the lines that we got this, we can do this, lets finish!

Now that I look back, I cannot believe that I actually did it, that I stuck through with the team and finished the course.

I hear the next series is scheduled for the year 2022, and while I have flashbacks of my struggle during the first series, I can’t help but feel that slight dash of adrenaline and the right amount of crazy to say yes to another round!


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