New restaurant on the block!
While driving through Flagstaff (Suva) 2 weeks ago, I spotted greenery on a building called ‘Veggie Restaurant’ and it looked inviting. I...

Dark Skin
This is a topic that has been shared and discussed in many spaces and ways. But here is mine (briefly). I am dark skinned and I love it....

A Perspective of Suva through this Exhibition
When I first heard about this photography exhibition- Shadow lines and silhouettes by Joseph Hing, I was excited and curious in equal...

When Family is Business
In all aspects. When a family member ventures into business it is a big deal and requires immediate support. So yes, by now you would...

A slice of Tropics at Projects Collective Fiji
First things first, ladies do not venture here with the male species if you are in a hurry as we were. My male was rushing me through my...

Coffee that takes you to another planet!
Like seriously! We walked into this small café in Korotogo over the weekend and were literally on coffee planet thanks to Café Planet. I...